Leopold Wolfgang Rochowanski
1885 Zuckmantel - 1961 Wien
1906-15 Studies of Law, Philosphy, Literature,
Art History, Musicology, Psychology und Pedagogics. He was a
journalist and writer, married with Katja Kandinski, Director
of the Thyros-Verlag. Working ban in 1938
picture description
1. Composition with landscape and angles, 1921, tempera
and pencil, monogrammed and dated. 25 to 32 cm. Lit: Kat. "Abstracta
Austria, Germania, Italia, 1919-31". Innsbruck, Bozen, 1997.
Nr.: 29, Abb. S. 72
2. Sculpture, painted wood, 1925, downside of base
monogrammed, dated and described as Modling, Ostern.
H 43 cm, D 15cm, W 11cm
3."Formwille der Zeit in
der angewandten Kunst", 1922, 93 pictures of works made at the
Wiener Kunstgewerbeschule, grade of Professor
Franz Cizek. Theme: Wiener Kinetismus,
including works of Erika Giovanna Klien, My Ullmann,
Hansi Reismayer, ao..